ASTA organisation: Addition of Second Sub-Chapter

01 Jan. 2010 [18:55h]     Bookmark and Share

ASTA’s New England Chapter Sets Precedent

Windham, NH – With the recent creation of a second sub-chapter, ASTA’s New England Chapter is setting a precedent for grassroots organization that other chapters covering a wide geographic area may wish to follow. This new structure allows for enhanced communication at the local level and established a more effective system for affecting positive growth chapter participation at the grassroots level.

The New England Chapter now includes the Connecticut and Maine sub-chapters, each with a full Board of Directors and separate treasury. It is the only ASTA chapter to be organized this way. Each sub-chapter will conduct its own state-based events, while providing members of the three Boards greater opportunities to meet and discuss the direction in which to take the chapter.   
“This is the perfect solution for chapters who might find themselves struggling to draw members to attend chapter meetings, when in some cases those meetings are a four- or five-hour drive away,” said New England Chapter President Mike Spinelli, Jr. of (Windham, NH).
“As many of us are well aware, chapters share ideas on chapter management three times a year at the Chapter Presidents Council meeting. This re-organization will serve to this purpose on a day-to-day basis, as the three chapter and sub-chapter presidents will share positions on the other two Boards,” added Spinelli.
„With the addition of Connecticut, we’ll have three small chapters making one stronger New England Chapter“ said Eric Ardolino of A & S Travel (Wallingford, Conn.) and a former Connecticut Chapter president. 
Cheryl Delisle commented: “Maine has been a sub-chapter of New England ASTA for more than 20 years. The primary goal of Maine ASTA is promote the education and professionalism of the travel consultant and to provide networking opportunities for the Maine travel community. We do this with bi-monthly meetings, a yearly tradeshow, which is held the third Wednesday of October, and providing scholarships to our membership. We have a strong and active membership with close ties to our state and local government.“
Boston-based Ross Travel Consultant’s Irene Ross, CTC, a past president of New England ASTA and currently serving a second term on ASTA’s national Board of Directors, said: „With a single communication stream, members will be aware of all meetings and events that may be closer to their own offices allowing them the chance to interact with their chapter members on a regular basis and take an active role in determining the direction their chapter takes.”
Mike Spinelli, Sr., past president of both national ASTA and also the New England chapter, added: „This is the fulfillment of a life-long dream. The huge geographic size of most chapters has never allowed enough travel agents in multi-state chapters to be active and still be part of a chapter’s strength. This was the cause, years ago for the formation of separate travel agent organizations in Rhode Island, Vermont and other states. This new ASTA format, where both Maine and Connecticut can retain autonomy, still allows them to share in the functioning of the much larger New England Chapter. It is common knowledge that in unity there is strength. Any fragmentation, while flattering to local areas, tends to debilitate what agents need to survive and thrive. They require One Strong Voice in Washington, for continual legal challenges; One Strong Voice, with major industry partners; and One Strong Voice for any threat in state legislatures regarding taxes and regulation. I am calling upon independent travel agent organizations throughout the country to affiliate with their local ASTA chapter. There is an old tale of wisdom that any man can break a few sticks, but, when they are together in one large pack, they are unbreakable.“
The New England Chapter was established in 1932. It encompasses the Connecticut and Maine sub-chapters, as well as the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont.
