GOL Announces Cláudia Pagnano as the Vice-President of Market

16 März 2010 [12:23h]     Bookmark and Share

GOL Announces Cláudia Pagnano as the Vice-President of Market

GOL Announces Cláudia Pagnano as the Vice-President of Market

New Vice-President completes the Company’s Executive Officers board

São Paulo – GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (NYSE: GOL and BM&FBOVESPA: GOLL4), the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America,  announces the election of Cláudia Pagnano as the Company’s new Vice-President of Market. The election took place at a Board of Directors meeting, held on March 11.

The executive Cláudia Pagnano has a bachelor degree in Marketing from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing and specialization in Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

With 20 years of professional experience, the executive acted in large consumer, financial services and retail companies, such as Colgate/Palmolive, Kodak, Unibanco, BankBoston, Pão de Açúcar Group and Brazil Foods.

Founded in November 2009, the Vice-Presidency of Market includes the following departments: Commercial Director, Marketing Director, Department of Communication, Cargo Director, and Yield & Alliances Director. Since the creation, the Vice-Presidency was being led by Constantino de Oliveira Junior, the Company’s President.

For Constantino de Oliveira Junior, the arrival of Cláudia Pagnano strengthens the Company to face the challenges arising in the coming years. „Cláudia’s professional background is extremely important for a moment marked by the constant search for growth. I’m sure that the market view of the new Vice-President will bring benefits to the Company.“, said the President.


Picture: Carstino Delmonte/ Touristikpresse.net

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