Air Berlin: Settlement reached in negotiations on framework agreement for cockpit staff

01 Sep. 2010 [09:24h]     Bookmark and Share

Air Berlin: Settlement reached in negotiations on framework agreement for cockpit staff

Air Berlin: Settlement reached in negotiations on framework agreement for cockpit staff

Management teams at Air Berlin and LTU have reached a successful framework agreement with VC, the pilots’ union, with regard to the working conditions for cockpit personnel

Berlin – Management teams at Air Berlin and LTU have reached a successful framework agreement with VC, the pilots’ union, with regard to the working conditions for cockpit personnel. The collective bargaining process that has been ongoing since the beginning of the year has therefore been brought to an amicable conclusion.

The new framework agreement for Air Berlin’s cockpit personnel includes a progressive adjustment of the key working conditions of Air Berlin pilots to match LTU’s level by 2013. These adjustments relate to the number of duty-free days per year, flexibility in the allocation of duty-free days per month as well as holiday entitlements and continued salary payments in the event of illness. Optimised models for drawing up duty rosters and assigning standby duties have also been agreed with Air Berlin and LTU.
In addition the union and the employers have agreed rules for the introduction of an augmented cockpit crew on long-haul flights. By the time the summer 2011 schedule comes into effect, a third pilot will be added to the cockpit crew on selected, extended long-haul flights.

The framework agreements are due to run until 31.12.2012, while the collective agreements for the enlarged crew will expire on 01.05.2014. The settlement is subject to the approval of VC members at Air Berlin and LTU.

Foto: Carstino Delmonte/
