GOL Airlines of Brazil: Notice to the Market

11 Jan. 2011 [10:58h]     Bookmark and Share

GOL Airlines of Brazil: Notice to the Market

GOL Airlines of Brazil: Notice to the Market

Statement of an Increase in Shareholding Interest

São Paulo – GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (BM&FBovespa: GOLL4 and NYSE: GOL) (S&P/Fitch: BB-/BB-, Moody’s: Ba3), the largest low-fare, low-cost airline in Latin America, hereby informs that it received the following notice from its shareholder, BlackRock, Inc.:

“1. BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”) hereby announces, on behalf of some of its clients and in its capacity as investment manager, that it acquired preferred shares issued by GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. („GOL“); as of January 4, 2011, BlackRock held a total of 4,993,273 preferred shares and 1,891,664 American Depositary Receipts, representing preferred shares, equal to a total of 5.17% of preferred shares issued by GOL.

2. In order to meet the requirements set forth in Article 12 of Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Rule 358, dated January 3, 2002, as amended, BlackRock hereby requests that GOL’s Investor Relations Officer disclose the following information to the CVM and other relevant authorities: (i) BlackRock is headquartered at 40 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022-5911, United States of America; (ii) BlackRock holds a total of 4,993,273 preferred shares and 1,891,664 ADRS, as described above; (iii) the aforementioned shareholdings are strictly for investment purposes and BlackRock has no intention of altering the control or management structure of GOL; (iv) BlackRock does not hold any debentures convertible into shares issued by GOL; and (v) BlackRock has not entered into any contracts or agreements regulating the exercise of voting rights or the purchase or sale of securities issued by GOL.”


Picture: Edgar Delmont

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