Amadeus’ Kay Urban Featured Speaker at ASTA

08 März 2010 [11:27h]     Bookmark and Share

Kay Urban, president and CEO of Amadeus Americas, will be a featured speaker at the general session at ASTA’s International Destination Expo (April 19-22, Istanbul) on April 21.

Alexandria, VA – She will address the topic of “Finding the Upside in the Downturn: Travel Trends That Could Impact Your Future,” examining three important trends – increasingly expert travelers, the ever-more technological trip experience and the growth of niche travel – that are poised to reshape the travel industry and ways in which travel professionals can take advantage of opportunities on the horizon.

“Amadeus has long been a leader in technology and distribution solutions for the travel industry, so the chance to learn from their experience as to how emerging trends will shape the future of the travel industry and how we as travel agents can position ourselves to take advantage of this growth is especially exciting,” said Chris Russo, ASTA president and chair.
“Challenging economic times do not always smother innovation, and can even accelerate it. The travel industry is in great position to view the changes that are occurring as positive developments, and to take advantage of the new opportunities for their business and their customers,” said Urban.
Urban has more than 25 years of travel industry experience. Currently, she directs Amadeus’ efforts in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Her responsibilities include distribution sales and marketing, commercial operations, strategic planning, and customer support and training for Amadeus travel agency travel supplier, and specialty customers in the Americas, as well as regional oversight of Amadeus global business units.
Qualified travel agents and journalists who register to attend IDE are eligible to receive free accommodation for the four nights of the conference, April 19-22, in Istanbul; the deadline to register and receive these rooms is Feb. 26. Check  to register for IDE and see which hotels are available. 
The mission of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is to facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism. ASTA seeks a retail travel marketplace that is profitable and growing and a rewarding field in which to work, invest and do business.
