SYDNEY -Qantas said today that its casual Flight Attendant arrangements were in line with standard industry practice, and had been agreed between Qantas and the short haul division of the FAAA.
Qantas announced the formation of a new inbound tourism business, Tour East Australia Pty Limited, to be based in Sydney.
Qantas verwöhnt First-Class-Passagiere mit einem Degustationsmenü von Neil Perry
Qantas announced today that it would increase its New York services from five per week to a daily service from 14 August 2007.
Flight LH 8945 lands punctually in Frankfurt on its return from its first flight to America
Im Laufe dieses Monates wird Qantas eine neue Designer-Kollektion einführen, die von einigen der bekanntesten Kreativtalenten Australiens entworfen wurde und das Reisen an Bord durch zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten aufwertet.
Qantas said the first visit of the Airbus A380 to Los Angeles yesterday (local time) was an important milestone for the airline.
Qantas totally refuted claims made by the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) that prisoners were used to work on Qantas aircraft in Singapore.
Der Winter lässt mit Schnee, Eis und Kälte viele Urlaubshungrige von tropischen Temperaturen und Strandidylle fernab der Heimat träumen.
Qantas is to increase frequencies between its Sydney base and San Francisco from three to five a week from late March, a year after resuming services on the route.