Mehr zum Thema "Le Bourget 2007"

Flugvorführungen der Airbus A380 in Le Bourget 2007


Airbus, der nach der Anzahl der Auslieferungen größte Flugzeughersteller der Welt, präsentiert sich mit drei Flugzeugen auf der internationalen Luftfahrtausstellung in Paris-Le Bourget (18.-24. Juni).

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Airbus A380 on flying display at Le Bourget 2007


Airbus, the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer by deliveries, comes to the Paris International Air Show (18th to 24th June) at the Le Bourget Airport close to Paris, bringing three aircraft to the display.

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Boeing to Spotlight Advanced Range of Products, Services at Le Bourget 2007


The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] will highlight its full range of products and services that are producing record sales across commercial and defense markets at this year’s Paris Air Show, beginning June 18 at Le Bourget airfield, north of the city.

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