Mehr zum Thema "Control"

Gesture Control berührungslose Steuerung mit nur einer Handbewegung


Glamouröser Auftritt. Sony Ericsson stellt heute ein neues Design-Handy vor: das Clamshell-Handy Z555i. Die Oberfläche in Diamant-Optik macht aus dem Handy einen Blickfang für jeden Anlass.

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Be the Head of your Class! Take Control of your Finances as Well as your Course Load


As college students start the academic year, they should be prepared to learn lessons that go beyond the classroom. One subject they cannot afford to fail is Personal Finance 101, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.).

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bmi acquires control of British Mediterranean


British Midland plc announces that it has acquired control of the Heathrow-based BA franchise airline British Mediterranean (BMED). British Midland is the group holding company of bmi and has subscribed to approximately £30 million of new shares in BMED.

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