Three-phase plan to be completed by summer of 2009; Nonstop Paris service begins May 22, 2008
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) is providing ticketing flexibility for customers whose travel plans may be affected by Tropical Storm Humberto.
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) anunció hoy que ha implementado una nueva funcionalidad en a fin de permitir al pasajero hacer cambios a sus vuelos vía Internet como parte del esfuerzo permanente de la empresa por mejorar la experiencia que brinda a sus clientes.
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) today announced that it has implemented new functionality at that allows customers to change flights online as part of the company’s ongoing effort to improve the customer experience.
Flights to Belize City canceled due to airport closure; airline provides ticketing flexibility
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) is providing ticketing flexibility for customers whose travel plans may be affected by Hurricane Dean.
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) and the National Hispanic Press Foundation (NHPF) have announced the winner of the „Destino: Latinoamerica“ („Destination: Latin America“) essay contest for Hispanic high school students.
Continued revenue growth leads to highest second quarter pre-tax profit since 2000
Continental Airlines, die fünftgrößte Fluggesellschaft der Welt, feiert das 20-jährige Bestehen ihres mehrfach ausgezeichneten Vielfliegerprogramms OnePass.
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) reported a June consolidated (mainline plus regional) load factor of 85.7 percent, 1.2 points above the June 2006 consolidated load factor, and a mainline load factor of 86.1 percent, 1.3 points above the June 2006 mainline load factor.