Special $777 roundtrip fare available from New York and Boston; $888 roundtrip fare from numerous other cities including Houston and Cleveland; 10,000 mile OnePass bonus for travel in the first week
Customers traveling to impacted cities may reschedule without penalty; continental.com provides latest flight information and operations summary
Als erste amerikanische Fluggesellschaft führt Continental in Zusammenarbeit mit Boeing, GE Aviation, CFM International und Honeywells UOP einen Biotreibstoffflug durch
Continental Airlines hat angekündigt, am 02. November 2009 eine tägliche Nonstop-Verbindung zwischen dem Flughafen Frankfurt und ihrem Hub in Houston, Bush Intercontinental Airport, Texas, aufzunehmen (vorbehaltlich Regierungsgenehmigung).
Continental Airlines announced that it now offers travelers the opportunity to utilize PayPal when purchasing flights at continental.com.
Continental Airlines reported a May consolidated (mainline plus regional) load factor of 81.2 percent, 0.3 points below the May 2007 consolidated load factor, and a mainline load factor of 81.3 percent, 0.4 points below the May 2007 mainline load factor.
Record fuel prices lead to quarterly loss; Continental to shrink domestic mainline capacity 5.0 percent on an annual run-rate basis; company to retire 14 additional mainline aircraft; Continental redeems Northwest’s Golden Share
Will provide travelers with an easy, one-stop vacation shopping experience to the world’s most appealing leisure travel destinations
Die Änderungen betreffen sämtliche Flüge innerhalb der USA, nach Puerto Rico, zu den Virgin Islands (US-Jungferninseln) und Kanada ab dem 5. Mai 2008
Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) reported a March consolidated (mainline plus regional) load factor of 82.3 percent, 0.3 points below the March 2007 consolidated load factor, and a mainline load factor of 82.6 percent, 0.5 points below the March 2007 mainline load factor.