Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced that SAS Scandinavian Airlines has exercised options for two Next-Generation 737-800 jetliners. The airplanes will strengthen the 737 fleet of SAS Scandinavian Airlines to support growth on domestic and intra-Europe routes.
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] will release its third-quarter 2007 financial results at 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, Oct. 24. Boeing Capital Corp. results will be released at the same time.
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Sargent Fletcher, Inc., of El Monte, Calif., a Cobham plc [LSE: COB] company, to provide the body fuel tank system for the KC-767 Advanced Tanker (AT).
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Mumbai-based Air India celebrated the delivery of the airline’s first 777-300ER (Extended Range) airplane. This is the first 777-300ER from Air India’s order of 68 Boeing jetliners placed in December 2005.
The Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] announced a six-month delay in its planned initial deliveries of the 787 Dreamliner due to continued challenges completing assembly of the first airplanes.
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced deliveries across its commercial and defense operations for the third quarter of 2007.
Boeing freut sich, dass British Airways den 787 Dreamliner als einen Hauptbestandteil bei der Erneuerung ihrer Langstreckenflotte ausgewählt hat.
Boeing, Air New Zealand und Rolls-Royce haben heute eine gemeinsame Absichtserklärung abgegeben, einen Biotreibstoff-Testflug durchzuführen. Der Flug soll die Entwicklung von brauchbaren und nachhaltigen alternativen Treibstoffen für die zivile Luftfahrt beschleunigen.
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is honored that British Airways has selected the 787 Dreamliner as a key element of its long-haul fleet renewal.
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has named Kidde Aerospace & Defense, Monogram Systems and Moog Inc. as partners for GoldCare, the lifecycle support solution for the 787 Dreamliner.