„Peixe em Lisboa“ strengthens international profile

08 Apr 2010 [17:56h]     Bookmark and Share

„Peixe em Lisboa“ strengthens international profile

„Peixe em Lisboa“ strengthens international profile

„Peixe em Lisboa“ will turn the city into the culinary capital of seafood. From 11 to 18 April, Lisboa will play host to eight of the most famous chefs in international contemporary cuisine, three of whom have been distinguished with Michelin Guide stars, as well as the best restaurants from the Lisboa region.

Lisboa – The 3rd edition of “Peixe em Lisboa” is looking to strengthen the event’s international profile, by inviting a greater number of famous chefs from Portugal and overseas. Brazilian cuisine will be a top feature, as part of a transatlantic exchange of new trends in the art of good food.

“Peixe em Lisboa” is positioning itself as a premier gastronomical event and has attracted growing interest from the public.  This year 25,000 people are expected to visit the Pavilhão Atlântico in Parque das Nações.

The event is an initiative by Turismo de Lisboa, supported by Lisboa Municipal Council and Turismo de Portugal, and forms part of the Turismo de Lisboa Strategic Plan.  It has already become a signal event on the Portuguese capital’s calendar, yet another attraction to enhance the city’s fame and tourist appeal.

Foto: Carstino Delmonte/ Touristikpresse.net

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