GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (Bovespa: GOLL4 and NYSE: GOL), the largest low-cost airline in Latin America, announces its preliminary traffic figures for July 2009.
Complimentary helicopter flights for international BusinessFirst customers
A GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (Bovespa: GOLL4 e NYSE: GOL), a maior companhia aérea de baixo custo da América Latina, anuncia as estatísticas preliminares de tráfego relativas ao mês de julho de 2009.
Southwest Airlines End-of-Day Stock Quote for August 7, 2009
Continental Airlines Inc End-of-Day Stock Quote for August 7, 2009
At its first virtual Board of Directors meeting, ASTA’s Board reviewed the Society’s current position with respect to targeted and year-to-date goals, and was provided updates in critical areas of interest for the Society and its membership. The Board also installed the Executive Committee, which had three open positions for 2009-2010 and for which all […]
Operation Center belegt mit 2.800 Beschäftigten einen Teil des Willis Tower / Fast 46.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche – Starkes Bekenntnis zur Heimatbasis
Interstate Hotels & Resorts (NYSE: IHR), a leading hotel real estate investor and the nation’s largest independent hotel management company, today reported operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
Twice-weekly flights offer convenient connections from U.S. mainland and Japan
Wallenborn Transports S.A., a leading European supplier of logistics in road feeder transportations, air cargo distribution and related services with home base in Luxembourg has acquired Haugsted AirCargo Services, one of the leading trucking and handling operators in Scandinavia.