The tender for the purchase of the Czech Airlines Duty Free independent business unit was won by a member of the international group Lagardére Services, Aelia Czech Republic.
Ab Januar 2010 erhöht Etihad Airways die Zahl ihrer wöchentlichen Flüge nach Kathmandu von vier auf täglich. Bereits seit Dezember 2008 fliegt die arabische Airline in die Hauptstadt Nepals.
The Latvian national airline airBaltic will supplement its routes during the summer season of 2010 by adding flights from Riga to three new destinations – Belgrade in Serbia, Madrid in Spain, and Vaasa in Finland. Flights to Belgrade will begin on May 5, to Madrid on June 2, and to Vaasa on March 29.
Die isländische Low-Cost-Airline erweitert Streckennetz zum Sommer 2010 um Birmingham, Oslo, Mailand, Rotterdam und New York
Die erste Hauptstadt der Neuen Welt lockt im Jahr 2010 mit einem abwechslungsreichen Kulturprogramm
Iberia will display the commemorative logotype on all its aircraft to publicise the Spanish presidency of the EU
Virgin Blue Airlines Group’s new boutique international long-haul airline, V Australia, and the world’s largest airline, US-based, Delta Air Lines, are pleased to announce that from today members of each carrier’s frequent flyer programmes will enjoy reciprocal points accrual for travel with both airlines and reciprocal lounge access within Australia and the US
Virgin Blue is pleased to officially announce the appointment of Liz Savage to the role of Chief Commercial Officer for Virgin Blue Airlines Group. Ms Savage will commence duties at Virgin Blue from the end of March, 2010.
Hill City will host the first annual Black Hills Film Festival this spring, May 14-16, 201
Jeweils 25 A 350 und Boeing 787 – Liefertermine zwischen 2016 und 2019 Neue, sparsamere Jets mit größerer Reichweite erhöhen die Flexibilität und verbessern den Kundenservice weiter