Iberia acaba de incorporar el billete electrónico o billete “sin papel”, para los billetes que combinen vuelos de Iberia con vuelos de All Nipón Airways y Singapore Airlines.
The board, with its legal and financial advisors, reached its conclusion after careful consideration — which included a thorough review of the AirTran offer, the various alternatives available to Midwest and Midwest’s strategic plan.
Erfolgreiches Jahr 2006 – Vertragsverlängerung mit NetJets um weitere fünf Jahre
The placing of larger aircraft on existing routes has already created hundreds of extra seats per day on flights to Edinburgh and Glasgow, with other routes likely to follow.
Grinstein erläutert Restrukturierungsprozess und spricht sich gegen unaufgefordertes Übernahmeangebot von US Airways aus
AirTran Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: AAI) announced that it is extremely disappointed that Midwest has again unilaterally rejected AirTran’s offer to combine the two airlines, without even having the benefit of holding direct talks with AirTran to explore the strategic and financial logic of such a merger.
Heathrow’s second biggest airline bmi is putting in place contingency plans that will enable the airline to carry any passengers that are caught up in the threatened industrial action and disruption to BA services next week.
Frankfurt * * * Die Preise für einen einfachen Flug mit Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) beginnen nun bei 60 EUR inklusive aller Steuern und Gebühren und einschließlich des SAS Ticket Service-Entgelts.
Le projet Handimanagement vise à sensibiliser les étudiants de 22 Grandes Ecoles à l´insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées et de trouver des solutions nouvelles afin de diminuer les freins culturels à l´intégration en entreprise.
2007: Capital Region USA, LCC und United Airlines kooperieren auf breiter Basis