IBM bietet IT-Gesundheitscheck für SOA-Umgebungen

31 Okt 2007 [10:37h]     Bookmark and Share

IBM bietet IT-Gesundheitscheck für SOA-Umgebungen

IBM bietet IT-Gesundheitscheck für SOA-Umgebungen

Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage unter IBM Kunden ist für mehr als die Hälfte der befragten Unternehmen die richtige Kombination von Business- und Technologie-Kompetenz das wichtigste Kriterium, wenn sie einen Anbieter für ein SOA-Projekt auswählen.

Ebenfalls über die Hälfte gab an, dass sie derzeit nur über 25 Prozent oder weniger des erforderlichen Know-hows verfügen, um mit einer SOA langfristige Geschäftsziele zu erreichen.

IBM präsentiert heute neue Software und Services, mit denen Kunden eine gesunde IT-Umgebung für Serviceorientierte Architekturen (SOA) schaffen können.

Der „IBM SOA Healthcheck“ geht offen die Probleme an, vor denen Unternehmen in der Regel stehen, wenn sie im Rahmen eines SOA-Projekts mit unerfahrenen oder proprietären Anbietern in Kontakt sind. Der Check deckt sechs wichtige Bereiche in einer SOA-Strategie ab: die Wiederverwendung von Applikationen, Governance, Sicherheit, Middleware und das Management von Workload und Services.

Zwei neue mehrtägige Workshops sind Teil des neuen IBM SOA Healtcheck Services:

  • Der „IBM SOA Applications and Services Healthcheck Workshop“ ist für Kunden geeignet, die sich vergewissern wollen, dass ihre SOA auch über ein erstes Pilotprojekt hinaus die richtige Wahl ist.
  • Der „Infrastructure Healthcheck Workshop for SOA“ bietet eine Bewertung der Infrastruktur zur Unterstützung der Applikations- und Services-Layers innerhalb einer SOA.

Darüber hinaus präsentiert IBM unter anderem den Identity Aware Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Er kombiniert den WebSphere ESB mit den Tivoli Security und Identity Management-Lösungen. Dies gewährleistet ein flächendeckendes Access Management über eine gesamte SOA-Umgebung hinweg.

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IBM Offers Prescription for IT Health

ARMONK, N.Y., October 29, 2007 . . . IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today new software and services to help ensure clients‘ success in creating a healthy IT environment based on a service oriented architecture (SOA).

Dubbed the “IBM SOA Healthcheck,” these new IBM services and software will help clients with SOA health issues resulting from performance issue, which could be the result of partnering with inexperienced or proprietary information technology (IT) vendors. They cover six common areas that can impact the success of an SOA strategy including: application reuse, governance, security, middleware, and workload and service management.

SOA is a business approach that reuses existing technology across multiple IT platforms to enable a company to more effectively compete and increase productivity and profitability. However, an SOA strategy that is either not well defined or based on proprietary technology can cost clients billions of dollars if left unresolved.

“The value a service oriented architecture can deliver to a company pays off in many ways, most notably by delivering significant gains in performance, productivity and cost savings,” says Marie Wieck, vice president for Middleware Services, IBM Global Technology Services. “Yet if SOA is approached with poor preparation, without people skilled in technical and business needs, companies can swiftly go from dry land to quicksand.”

Specific new IBM SOA Healthcheck Services include specialized diagnostics and triage capabilities to help clients identify potentially unhealthy areas and recommended treatments to cure problem areas and set clients on the right track. Two new workshops now available include:

  • IBM SOA Applications and Services Healthcheck Workshop, a targeted 2-3 day business consulting engagement aimed at clients that want assurance their SOA is capable of expanding beyond pilot projects. Elements examined include application reuse to verify that existing applications are properly used and service use to assess how a company can identify and reuse its existing services located. Additional elements that are examined include potentially identifying rogue services as part of a governance policy and service security to check that controls for services and identities are properly managed.
  • Infrastructure Healthcheck Workshop for SOA, a targeted 1-3 day technology services engagement that performs a high level assessment of the infrastructure that supports the applications and services layers in an SOA. SOA elements examined include infrastructure flexibility to assess the ability of servers, storage, networking, middleware, and systems management to adapt to spikes in demand without failure. The workshop will also help; verify optimum SOA configurations for connectivity, portal servers and messaging components and a service management review to ensure that services are being monitored end-to-end to isolate and fix problems.

Beyond “healthchecks” to identify potential problem areas, IBM continues to focus on the health of an SOA strategy and creation by offering tools and services that help clients be healthy from the start. One new example is the “identity aware enterprise service bus (ESB)” solution from IBM that combines WebSphere ESB solutions with Tivoli security and identity management solutions, enabled by IBM SOA Professional Services for SOA security to help ensure that access is maintained and protected across a flexible SOA environment, while allowing for a single sign-on no matter where you are in the federation. It also enables end-to-end auditing of identity and access activity.

Business and IT skills remain a key issue for implementing successful and healthy SOA projects. According to a recent survey of IBM clients more than half of respondents cited having the right combination of business and technical skills as the most important criteria in selecting a vendor to help with SOA projects. Additionally, more than half of the clients surveyed said they currently have 25 percent or less of the skills needed to use SOA to meet long term business goals.

IBM’s has developed the experience with more than 5,700 customers worldwide to help clients avoid SOA health issues, which can multiply if clients partner with proprietary vendors that can’t scale implementations across common heterogeneous IT environments or inexperienced vendors that lack skills across a range of industries.

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