GOL Files 2009 20-F Report with the U.S. SEC

01 Apr. 2010 [12:40h]     Bookmark and Share

GOL Files 2009 20-F Report with the U.S. SEC

GOL Files 2009 20-F Report with the U.S. SEC

The report is also available on GOL’s IR website

São Paulo – GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (NYSE: GOL and BM&FBOVESPA: GOLL4), the largest low-fare and low-cost airline in Latin America, has filled its 2009 20-F Form annual report, which details the operating and financial statements of the Company as determined by regulations of the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), for the year ended December 31, 2009.

The form can also be accessed on GOL’s Investor Relations website.

GOL’s security holders (including holders of GOL’s American Depositary Receipts), may receive a hard copy of this document, which contains GOL’s complete audited financial statements, free of charge, upon request.


Picture: Carstino Delmonte/ Touristikpresse.net

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