Boeing Delivers First 737-900ER in Lion Air Livery

14 Juni 2007 [08:16h]     Bookmark and Share

Boeing Delivers First 737-900ER in Lion Air Livery

Boeing Delivers First 737-900ER in Lion Air Livery

Lion Air took delivery today in Seattle of its first Boeing Next-Generation 737-900ER (Extended Range) airplane in the airline’s livery.

To date, the Jakarta-based airline has received three 737-900ERs. The first two airplanes were delivered in a special dual paint scheme that featured the Lion Air lion on the vertical stabilizer and the Boeing livery colors on the fuselage.

Boeing launched the 737-900ER program in July 2005 when Lion Air announced an order for 30 of the newest 737 model. Lion Air has ordered 60 737-900ERs.

The 737-900ER, the newest member of the Next-Generation 737 airplane family, increases the capability of the 737 by carrying more passengers and flying farther.

Lion Air operates an all-Boeing fleet and is the largest low-cost airline in Asia, with nearly 1 million passengers per month since the airline began operations in June 2000.
