BM stellt neue Speicherlösungen für den Mittelstand vor

18 Apr 2007 [09:45h]     Bookmark and Share

BM stellt neue Speicherlösungen für den Mittelstand vor

BM stellt neue Speicherlösungen für den Mittelstand vor

IBM (NYSE: IBM) hat auf der Storage Networking World neue Hardware und Services für mittelständische Unternehmen vorgestellt. Dazu gehören neue Konfigurationen der DS3000-Familie und neue Speicherservice-Angebote für einfachere Datenhandhabung.

Die neu vorgestellten DS3200 und DS3400 sind leistungsstarke Einstiegs-Festplatten-Arrays mit integrierter Managementsoftware. Sie sind eine einfache, zuverlässige und preisattraktive Lösung für den Speicherbedarf von mittelständischen Unternehmen und Fachabteilungen größerer Anwender.
Verschiedene Komponenten wie Controller, Kabel und Host-Bus-Adapter werden jetzt in spezifischen Konfigurationen gebündelt. Damit wird es für mittelständische Kunden einfacher, eine für sie optimierte Lösung zu erwerben.

Neue IBM Speicherservices

IBM stellt ebenfalls neue Serviceangebot von Global Technology Services vor, mit denen Kunden Daten effizienter speichern und verwerten können. Die neue Services nützen die Methodologie und Erfahrung von IBM aus Kundenprojekten für verbesserte Effektivität beim Informationsmanagement im Unternehmen (Enterprise Content Management).

Die neuen Services umfassen:

  • IBM Impementierungsservices für Enterprise Content Management: zu Unterstützung von Kunden bei der effektiven Nutzung von IBM Content Manager, CommonStore for Mail und Records Manager-Technologie.
  • IBM Speicheroptimierungs- und -integrationsservices. Diese können Kunden dabei helfen, eine Speicherumgebung zu schaffen, die einfacher zu verwalten ist und kosteneffektiver vorhandene Ressourcen nützt.
  • IBM Migrationservices für Daten. Diese können Kunden helfen, ihre Daten auf IBM NAS-Systeme zu migrieren.
  • Durch die jüngst erfolgte Übernahme von Softek hat IBM umfassende und vereinigte Datenmobilitätsangebote zur Verfügung, ebenso weltweite Expertise in der Bereitstellung von Services für das Verwalten von Daten in Speicherarray-, Host- und virtualisierten IT-Umgebungen. Die Softek Transparent Data Migration Facility (TDMF) ermöglicht einen einheitlichen Ansatz für unterbrechungsfreie Verschiebung und Verwaltung von Daten quer über Platformen und Betriebssystemumgebungen von Storage-Anbietern hinweg.

Diese neuen Services ergänzen die umfassende Erfahrung von IBM als Anbieter von Speicher-Services mit mehr als einhundert Storage Solution-Centern weltweit.

Die neu konfigurierten Produkte der IBM System Storage DS3000-Serie sind ab einem US-Listenpreis von 4200$ verfügbar (US-Preise).

Weitere Informationen in der original US-Presseinformation anbei.

Zusätzliche Informationen über IBM:

IBM Announces New Storage and Services Solutions

New Configurations of DS3000 Series Targeted at the Small and Medium Business Marketplace to Help Clients Store, Access and Manage Information for Competitive Advantage

SAN DIEGO, CA – 16 Apr 2007: At the opening of Storage Networking World, IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced new hardware and services designed to help small and medium business (SMB) clients better compete and pursue new business opportunities by using information as a strategic asset. IBM is announcing new configurations of its entry-level System Storage DS3000 series and new storage services offerings. Building on current products and services, these new offerings expand IBM’s cross-company effort to transform the way organizations manage and access information through a range of complementary hardware, software and services offerings.

Today’s new storage offerings include enhanced configurations of the IBM System Storage DS3200 and DS3400, powerful entry-level disk arrays featuring integrated management software designed to give small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), as well as distributed large enterprise customers, a simple, reliable and affordable solution to handle all their storage needs. Various components of the DS3200 and DS3400, such as controllers, cables and host bus adapters (HBA) will now be bundled into specific configurations, making it easier for SMB customers to purchase the solution that best suits their business needs.

„SMBs today are dealing with the same data avalanche that large enterprises face — a deluge of files, e-mail, digital images and streaming media. These clients require a reliable storage system that will grow along with their information needs,“ said Charlie Andrews, director, IBM system storage product marketing. „Today’s configuration enhancements to the DS3000 Series is intended to make purchasing and implementing such a system even easier, so that our clients can focus on their business priorities.“

New IBM Storage Services

IBM is also announcing today new services offerings from IBM Global Technology Services to help clients more efficiently store, manage and understand, and leverage data. These services use IBM methodologies and prior engagement experiences to help improve operational effectiveness for storage and enterprise content management.

The new services announced today include:

  • IBM Implementation Services for Enterprise Content Management, to help clients to effectively use IBM Content Manager, CommonStore for Mail and Records Manager technology. These services provide experienced IBM storage service personnel, using proven methods and tools to help clients quickly and effectively address their content management needs.
  • IBM Storage Optimization and Integration Services, to help clients design a storage environment that is easier to manage, more cost-effective and more efficiently uses existing storage resources. These new services help design and implement an optimized storage infrastructure by identifying existing storage management efficiencies, reclaiming and consolidating storage space, and determining opportunities to reuse existing technology.
  • IBM Migration Services for Data, to help migrate clients‘ data to IBM network attached storage systems. Whether clients are transitioning from older IBM storage devices or from non-IBM network attached storage devices, IBM Migration Services for data on System Storage N series helps clients streamline the data migration process.
  • Also, through the recent acquisition of Softek, IBM has assembled the most complete and unified data mobility offerings and worldwide delivery expertise for managing data in storage array, host, and virtualized information technology environments. Softek’s Transparent Data Migration Facility (TDMF) solution enables a simple, unified approach to the non-disruptive movement and management of data across storage vendor platforms and operating system environments.

These new services complement IBM’s vast experience as the largest storage services provider worldwide with more than 100 System Storage Solution Centers.

The newly configured IBM System Storage DS3000 series products are currently generally available with a starting price of $4,200. The new storage services are currently available from IBM Global Technology Services.

For more information about IBM and IBM storage, visit
