IBM Rational Functional Tester zertifiziert für SAP NetWeaver

21 Sep. 2007 [10:25h]     Bookmark and Share

IBM Rational Functional Tester zertifiziert für SAP NetWeaver

IBM Rational Functional Tester zertifiziert für SAP NetWeaver

IBM präsentiert heute ein erweitertes Rational-Softwareportfolio, mit dem Unternehmen jetzt qualitativ höherwertige und sichere SAP-Anwendungen entwickeln können. Die neuen Funktionen vereinfachen es SAP Kunden, Geschäftsanwendungen vor dem Einsatz zu modifizieren, zu testen und sodann in den Betrieb überzuführen.

Dies ist sowohl bei Serviceorientierte Architekturen als auch im Rahmen des Softwarelebenszykluses von Bedeutung, wo es auf die schnelle Entwicklung von Geschäftsprozessen und den schnellen Einsatz von Anwendungen ankommt.

So hat zum Beispiel der IBM Rational Functional Tester nach umfangreichen Tests den Status “Certified for SAP NetWeaver” erhalten. Die Lösung hilft die Qualität von zu implementierenden SAP-Lösungen auf Kunden-Sites schneller und damit kostengünstiger zu realisieren.

Darüber hinaus fügt IBM dem IBM Rational AppScan for SAP NetWeaver einige neue Sicherheitskomponenten hinzu, welche die SAP-Lösung/Anwendung automatisch auf Sicherheitslücken noch vor dem „Live gehen“ testet.

Ebenso neu sind Erweiterungen bei den Lösungen IBM Rational RequisitePro und IBM Rational ClearQuest. Hier sind die Voraussetzungen geschaffen worden, über Project Templates das Anforderungsmanagement sowie das Änderungsmanagement für SAP-Projekte zu erleichtern.

„Mit den neuen Lösungen unterstützen wir SAP-Kunden, die Herausforderung, mit der Geschwindigkeit der Geschäftstransformationinitiativen mitzuhalten, zu meistern, ohne gleichzeitig Abstriche bei der Qualität zu machen“, so Markus Wiens, Marketing Rational Software.

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IBM Helps Customers Improve Software Quality Across Complex Application Environments

ARMONK, N.Y., September 19, 2007 – – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced new features and enhancements to its software portfolio to help customers deliver higher quality, more secure applications to the market and to help customers manage requirements and change associated with application deployments. The new capabilities make it easier for IBM and SAP customers to modify, test and deploy business applications before they go live.

As organizations rapidly evolve their business they have to quickly deploy applications. With today’s news, IBM is helping customers manage the software lifecycle and guard the bottom line whether they are using custom-built or packaged applications. The new features and enhancements provide support for customers that are using SAP applications within the context of a broader IT investment.

Today, IBM is announcing IBM Rational Functional Tester has achieved Certified for SAP NetWeaver® status, making it even easier for IBM and SAP customers to test a myriad of business applications before they go live. The SAP® Integration and Certification Center has certified that IBM Rational Functional Tester properly integrates with the SAP NetWeaver platform to exchange critical data with instances of the SAP Business Suite family of applications. The solution was tested with the BC-TEST-GUI 6.40 functional test tool for Windows integration scenario. The certified integration of IBM Rational Functional Tester gives teams the ability to automatically test the quality of implementations of SAP applications at customer sites – helping to reduce the time and cost of deployment. The new integration allows customers using SAP solutions to better support high-quality business implementations by enabling the creation, execution and analysis of regression tests to validate the quality of customization of SAP solutions.

IBM is also announcing enhancements to existing products to help SAP customers accelerate testing and deployment of SAP applications and updates. Among them, IBM has added an array of new security vulnerability components to IBM Rational AppScan for use with SAP NetWeaver that improves business integrity by helping to ensure that SAP applications are free of security vulnerabilities. The automated security testing detects and helps remediate security issues before and after SAP applications go live.

In addition, IBM is announcing two integrations supporting enhanced lifecycle management of SAP applications in complex enterprise application environments. These integrations include a set of project templates for IBM Rational RequisitePro and IBM Rational ClearQuest to facilitate capturing requirements and governing the change activities associated with SAP solution-based projects.

“The pace of application development is necessitated by the speed of business transformation, but moving quickly doesn’t excuse sacrificing quality,” said Scott Hebner, vice president of marketing and strategy, IBM Rational software. “IBM can help accelerate those projects by ensuring quality across both SAP and non-SAP application-based environments.”

Tescom, a quality assurance and software testing consulting company and IBM Business Partner, provides professional resources, methodologies and solutions. With more than 600 professionals located around the world, Tescom has the extensive testing experience to improve the quality of today’s software.

“Customers are being driven to focus on the business outcome of their IT investments, and testing and quality assurance is key to achieving this,” said Mika Liss, Executive Vice President, Tescom. “Whether developing their own applications or deploying packaged applications like those from SAP – or a combination of both – IBM Rational software, along with the associated processes, helps customers deliver software in line with broader business objectives.”

IBM supports a wide range of applications and environments to help customers ensure quality throughout the software development lifecycle. The solutions from IBM Rational software include requirements, test management, performance testing, functional testing, and security and compliance testing.

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