USA: ASTA Offers International Members Tips

15 Dez. 2009 [14:51h]     Bookmark and Share

USA: ASTA Offers International Members Tips

USA: ASTA Offers International Members Tips

Advice on Working with U.S. Counterparts

Alexandria, VA – With a goal of providing its international members greater insight into working with their counterparts in the United States, ASTA has created Growing Your Business with U.S. Agents, a Webinar giving informative advice on developing successful business relationships with U.S. travel agents. The 32-minute Webinar, which first aired on Dec. 2,  covers tips for finding and attracting U.S agents, information on what U.S. agents are looking for in an international travel company, and a review of tools ASTA provides international members to help them reach the U.S. market.   

Among the comments from Webinar participants are:
“It was very interesting and informative and a great tool to reach travel professionals through the Internet.” – Spain“The webinar was very educational for me.” – Africa “It really highlighted things that we take for granted when dealing with US travel agents and all travel international agents.” – Ghana
Some of the follow-up questions from the Webinar included:
Q: Would U.S. agents only work with tour operators, or can I as a good travel counselor be able to work as their local agent? 
A: U.S. agents often work with large, established tour operators because they consider them to be most reliable. However, by applying the principles mentioned in the presentation and consistently providing a high level of service, local independent travel companies can develop successful business relationships with U.S. agents.
Q. Does ASTA have a catalogue of members who deal in specialized or niche vacations? How can we attract US travel agents who work only or mostly with luxury up-scale market clients?
A.  There are three options:
1) One way to identify and reach U.S. travel agents who specialize in luxury or up-scale travel is to obtain a targeted marketing list of travel agents from ASTA.
ASTA’s specialization database identifies agents who specialize in more than 50 types of travel, including luxury travel, and can also be targeted by destination
2) You can go directly to a travel agent via ASTA’s Group on LinkedIn and engage in a discussion with fellow members.
3) To find a travel agent who specializes in luxury travel, search for agents on the Find a Travel Agent’ directory with search parameters of ‚Luxury Travel.’
Q. I am keen to develop a long-term working relationship with U.S. travel agents who specialize in travel to South Africa as well as southern and eastern Africa. 
A. A great way to find agents who market to your destination is to post your product offerings on ASTA’s WebExchange, the B2B online marketplace.  ASTA agents in the United States and around the world can review and respond to your postings. Additionally, using the ‘Find a Travel Agent Directory’ you can even narrow down your search to individuals who are ASTA Certificated Specialist in FUNDI South Africa program.
Q: As an ASTA member, can we upload our company profile so other agencies can check this information? 
A. All ASTA member travel agents, including International Travel Company Members, are provided a listing on ASTA’s travel agent directory, and travel agent members are encouraged to complete their company profile information. For instructions, please visit
Q.  Do you need to be registered as a company in the United States to join ASTA?  
A.  ASTA has members in more than 120 countries and welcomes international members. To be eligible, applicants must confirm that their company is operating in accordance with all applicable laws of the firm’s operating country and must provide either an IATA number or a Government License Number. For more and an on-line application, see:
For more information on the benefits of ASTA membership or to join, please visit
The mission of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is to facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism. ASTA seeks a retail travel marketplace that is profitable and growing and a rewarding field in which to work, invest and do business.
Picture: Carstino Delmonte/
