Der Reiseveranstalter alltours und die Kindernothilfe werden in dieser Woche 25 Tonnen Spezialnahrung für Kinder von Dubai aus in die Flutregion nach Pakistan fliegen
AIR FRANCE KLM has been confirmed Leader for sustainable development for 2010 and remains in the two Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes – DJSI World and DJSI Europe for the sixth year running.
Erweiterung des Asien-Netzwerks im Oktober und November signalisiert starke Präsenz auf dem asiatischen Markt
Bei ihrem Besuch in Riga verwies die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin besonders auf die Wachstumserfolge der baltischen Airline Air Baltic
The company achieves its objective and begins operations in the so-called “capital of the south” of the United States and with an eye on new destinations. The hotel will begin operations under management agreement on 15 October and the owner will commit a 35 million dollar renovation over the next two years.
As of 1 September, Martin Štolba, who has thus far been the Director of the Czech Airlines Ground Operations Management Department, became the Registered Representative of the Czech Airlines subsidiary Czech Airlines Handling
20 Prozent mehr Flüge in den Subkontinent. 14 zusätzliche Frequenzen pro Woche in die Städte Delhi, Amritsar und Kochi. 88 Verbindungen pro Woche
Darmstadt Baden-Baden Sieger 2010 Bahnfahren
Komfortables Basis-Camp unter Palmen
Management teams at Air Berlin and LTU have reached a successful framework agreement with VC, the pilots’ union, with regard to the working conditions for cockpit personnel