Motorola’s WiMAX and Mesh Solutions Earn NXTcomm Eos Awards

22 Jun 2007 [08:48h]     Bookmark and Share

Motorola (NYSE: MOT) yesterday received awards for two of its MOTOwi4™ wireless broadband products in the inaugural competition of the NXTcomm Eos Excellence of Achievement Award. Motorola’s WiMAX Flexible Access Point System won in the Technology Innovation Group: Access Networking category.

Its MOTOMESH Duo product was selected as a runner up in the Network Design/Services Group: Wireless/Mobile/Network Services category for its use in an education research project in China. Motorola’s customer, Clearwire Corp., also took home top honors in the same category for its Motorola technology supported Clearwire wireless broadband service.

“The Eos Award is the latest in a series of industry recognition for our WiMAX and MOTOwi4 solutions,” said Fred Wright, senior vice president, Motorola Home & Networks Mobility. “These awards further demonstrate that Motorola is a proven industry leader when it comes to deploying customized, end-to-end wireless broadband systems that enable providers to deliver true comprehensive communication platforms to their consumers.”

Motorola’s Flexible Access Point System is comprised of a common WiMAX Base Control Unit that can be paired with any selection from a wide portfolio of Motorola WiMAX RF modules. It can be configured based on evolving needs and varying market requirements to help operators rapidly deploy an optimized network tuned to the varying requirements in their service footprint today, while helping them easily grow and scale to meet their future needs.

The MOTOMESH Duo product, formerly known as HotZone Duo, is a member of the MOTOMESH product series of municipal wireless networks.

MOTOwi4, Motorola’s portfolio of complementary wireless broadband solutions, has now earned awards in each product category – wi4 WiMAX, wi4 Mesh, wi4 Fixed and wi4 Indoor.

Other recent awards for Motorola’s MOTOwi4 portfolio include:

May 2007 – Motorola took home top honors in the devices category at the WiMAX World Europe Awards for the next-generation CPEi 200/300 Series WiMAX desktop.

May 2007 – MOTOMESH Duo recently received the Wireless Broadband Innovation Award for Best Wireless Broadband Mobility Solution, further validating its performance, scalability and robustness. Sponsored by The Wireless Event in London, the Wireless Broadband Innovation Awards recognize the leading edge of innovation and achievement.

April 2007 – Motorola was honored in the Best Telco/Service Provider category for its wi4 WiMAX technology at the third annual Network Middle East Innovation Awards held in Dubai. Motorola customer Wateen Telecom also won a key award for Best Wireless Access Network (WAN) Implementation. Wateen Telecom’s nationwide wireless broadband voice and data network, based on Motorola’s wi4 WiMAX solutions, was identified by the judges

October 2006 – Motorola was named by xchange magazine and Trendsmedia as the recipient of the Best of WiMAX World Award for Industry Innovation for its WiMAX Distributed Network Architecture.

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering „must have“ products, „must do“ experiences and powerful networks — along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.9 billion in 2006. For more information about our company, our people and our innovations, please visit
