ASTA Welcomes Obama’s Call for Review of Traveler Screening

06 Jan. 2010 [17:17h]     Bookmark and Share

In the wake of recent breaches in the screening of airline passengers and comments made yesterday by President Obama, ASTA has issued the following statement: Reports of continued attempts to attack the U.S. passenger air system serve as a reminder of the ongoing need for coordinated federal action to ensure that flying remains a safe, efficient means of travel.

Alexandria, VA –  ASTA welcomes President Obama’s call for a wholesale review of current screening practices. The travel agency industry, which employs more than 100,000 workers and helps to move more than 144 million travelers annually—including fully 50-percent of purchased air travel—is an essential part of communicating existing practices to the traveling public.
ASTA is fully committed to the view that the nation’s air transportation system must be made safe without unduly restricting Americans’ freedom to travel. To that end, ASTA is pleased to continue to serve as a resource to the Administration and to Congress as this process unfolds, and we pledge to work with federal authorities to help ensure that the American people know what to expect when planning domestic and international travel.
The mission of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is to facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism. ASTA seeks a retail travel marketplace that is profitable and growing and a rewarding field in which to work, invest and do business.
