ASTA Praises President’s Renewed Commitment to Small Businesses; Calls on Congress to Act Swiftly

07 Feb. 2010 [11:55h]     Bookmark and Share

ASTA Praises President’s Renewed Commitment to Small Businesses; Calls on Congress to Act Swiftly

ASTA Praises President’s Renewed Commitment to Small Businesses; Calls on Congress to Act Swiftly

ASTA is praising President Obama’s inclusion of several key small business lending-related initiatives in his first State of the Union Address

Alexandria, VA – Among the legislative proposals in the President’s prime-time address were the use of $30 billion in repaid TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds to help community banks extend credit to small-business owners; a new tax credit to spur hiring and pay increases; and the elimination of capital gains taxes on small business investments. The President also used the address to call for new tax incentives for investing in new plants and equipment.
“New hiring incentives, promoting access to credit and reducing the tax burden on travel agents and other small businesses are the building blocks of an economic recovery,” said Chris Russo, ASTA’s president and chairman. “While ASTA awaits the details on these proposals, this renewed attention to the needs of the nation’s small-business owners is an encouraging sign of progress, and one that is sorely needed.”
In December 2009, ASTA joined a group of allies in the small-business community to call for an expansion of existing Recovery Act tax incentives, such as bonus depreciation and expanded section 179 expensing limits. Since late 2008, ASTA has repeatedly called for federal action to reduce the tax and regulatory burden on small businesses and to promote access to capital through the SBA and other avenues.
Picture: Carstino Delmonte/
