For the fifth consecutive year, the Air France – KLM group today published its annual sustainable development report, in which the Group presents its strategy and actions aimed at: fighting climate change, reducing its environmental impact, building a sustainable relationship with its customers, promoting a responsible human resources policy, contributing to local development
Amsterdam/ Paris – A few months before the International Conference on Climate Change, which will be held in Copenhagen in December 2009, the climate change issue is being widely discussed.
Air France-KLM intends to continue, despite a difficult context, to assume its social and environmental responsibilities by becoming increasingly involved in the everyday reality of the Group which is its commitment to sustainable development.
“In a particularly uncertain economic context, we know that combining reactivity and pro-activity is the best way to assume our economic, social and environmental responsibilities. Our group, included in all the extra-financial ratings indicators, is recognised for its leadership in this field, which is an honour but which also gives us obligations,” declared Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, CEO of Air France-KLM.
KLM President & CEO Peter Hartman added “that Air France-KLM continues to search for innovative solutions to sustainability issues. We are aware of our responsibilities and our role as a good example”.
Air France-KLM, which since 2005 is airline leader in the two indicators “Dow Jones Sustainability Index” – DJSI World and DJSI STOXX, was in 2008 named “Super Sector Leader” for the “Travel and tourism” sector. The Air France-KLM group is also present in the extra-financial indicators Aspi Eurozone, Ethibel Sustainabilty Index (ESI) Excellence Global and FTSE4Good Index Series. For the third year running, Air France-KLM is the only airline in the “Global 100”, which includes the world’s top one hundred companies committed to sustainable development.
The annual sustainable development report can be downloaded at:
Photo: Carstino Delmonte/